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قديم 07-18-2009, 05:51 PM
مشارك ماسى
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2006
العمر: 44
المشاركات: 377
افتراضي 30+ Ways of Improving Net Cashflow

30+ Ways of Improving Net Cashflow
  1. Increase sales (particularly those involving cash payments).
  2. Reduce direct and indirect costs and overhead expenses.
  3. Defer discretionary projects which cannot achieve acceptable cash paybacks (e.g. within one year ???).
  4. Increase prices especially to slow payers.
  5. Review the payment performances of customers - involve sales force.
  6. Become more selective when granting credit.
  7. Seek deposits or multiple stage payments.
  8. Reduce the amount/time of credit given to customers.
  9. Bill as soon as work has been done or order fulfilled.
  10. Improve systems for billing and collection.
  11. Use the 80/20 rule to control inventories, receivables and payables.
  12. Improve systems for paying suppliers.
  13. Generate regular reports on receivable ratios and aging.
  14. Establish and adhere to sound credit practices - train staff.
  15. Use more pro-active collection techniques.
  16. Add late payment charges or fees where possible.
  17. Increase the credit taken from suppliers.
  18. Negotiate extended credit from suppliers.
  19. Make prompt payments only when worthwhile discounts apply.
  20. Reduce inventory (stock) levels and improve control over work-in-progress.
  21. Sell off or return obsolete/excess inventory.
  22. Utilize factoring, or discount facilities, to accelerate receipts from sales.
  23. Defer or re-stage all capital expenditure.
  24. Use alternative financing methods, such as leasing, to gain access to the use (but not ownership) of productive assets.
  25. Re-negotiate bank facilities to reduce charges.
  26. Seek to extend debt repayment periods.
  27. Net off or consolidate bank balances.
  28. Sell off surplus assets or make them productive.
  29. Enter into sale and lease-back arrangements for productive assets.
  30. Defer dividend payments.
  31. Raise additional equity.
  32. Convert debt into equity.
  33. Make medium- and short-term cashflow forecasts and update them regularly
mso_2006 غير متواجد حالياً  
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قديم 08-07-2009, 06:12 PM
مشارك ماسى
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2006
العمر: 44
المشاركات: 377
افتراضي Seventeen Ways To Improve Your Cash Flow

Many small wellness businesses that fail were actually profitable.
What killed them? They didn't have enough cash when they needed it.
Here's our list of seventeen actions to improve your cash position.
Which actions can your wellness business take?
  1. Reduce inventory. Over-ordering ties up cash. This includes everything from office and janitorial supplies to printed materials to the trinkets you hand out at health fairs. It also includes your inventory of products you resell to customers.
  2. If you invoice customers, don't procrastinate! And include a specific due date like "October 4, 2006" on the invoice - not just "net 10" or "upon receipt". Consider prompt payment discounts.
  3. Don't expand until your business is consistently cash-positive. If you can't figure out how to make your current business produce more cash than you spend, expansion is probably not the answer. Fix your sales and marketing problems. Make sure people actually want your services at the prices you're charging. Tighten down your expenses. Then you can think about expanding.
  4. Set aside an emergency fund. If you choose to ignore this advice, pay close attention to #11 below. Every business will eventually have a sudden and large need for cash. Don't say we didn't warn you. (And now's a good time to look at your business insurance, as well.)
  5. Manage your supplier payments. You don't have to pay every invoice as soon as it arrives. At a minimum, pay according to the terms you've agreed to - not sooner. Ask for early payment discounts and extended terms. Consider delaying payment if you're really feeling a cash crunch. Some vendors are willing to wait for payment and won't balk if you consistently pay at 45 or 50 days past-due.
  6. Raise your prices. We've counseled numerous clients to raise their prices. Most customers won't notice - or say "I wondered why you didn't charge more!" On big projects for business clients, get part of your payment up front.
  7. Comparison-shop and ask for price matches. The Internet makes it easy to comparison-shop. Find the best price and ask your preferred supplier to match it to keep the business. When buying software, ask for a competitive upgrade if you're switching from one vendor to another.
  8. Consider bartering. For example, perhaps you can offer wellness coaching in exchange for graphic design or web development services.
  9. Take credit cards. Why wait for customer checks to clear the bank? You'll get customer funds almost immediately. The value of having the cash usually outweighs the couple of percentage points you'll pay in fees, not to mention the hassle of dealing with daily check deposits and bounced customer checks.
  10. Move quickly to resolve customer payment problems. Deal promptly with customer NSF checks and credit card disputes. Some business owners avoid these discussions...but your bank balance suffers in the meantime.
  11. Project your incoming and outgoing cash. Predict the cash you expect to get from customers. Predict your outgoing cash to pay employees and bills. Compare it to your actuals. You should be within 5% every month. Take seasonal differences into account. If you work with large businesses, plan on longer invoice-approval cycles. Stash cash away for the quiet months.
  12. Develop an emergency plan now. Almost every business eventually experiences a cash crunch. Have a plan for what you'll do. Examples include borrowing from your personal accounts or family or friends. You may be able to use personal or business assets as collateral for loans. And you may consider delaying vendor payments or payroll. Don't dip into withheld payroll taxes! The consequences are severe, as your tax advisor will be happy to explain.
  13. Keep your banker in the loop during good times. Don't wait until a crisis is well underway. Treat them like partners in your business. They have resources you may not be aware of. (If you missed our series "A Banker's Words Of Wisdom For Wellness Businesses", read Part 1 and Part 2 now).
  14. Consider consolidating your debts. Review rates and terms and talk to your banker to see if consolidating several debts into one might allow a longer payment schedule.
  15. Get a line of credit set up. Work with your bankers to get a line of credit established now, so that you'll have it available if and when you need it.
  16. Recognize employees and customers with gifts, not meals.Gifts up to $25 help you reduce your tax bill because they're fully tax-deductible. Meals are only 50% deductible. Check with your tax advisor for details.
  17. Pay for goods with a business credit card. This gives you payment flexibility if you need it, and gets rid of many of the administrative hassles of paying off invoices. Request the most cash-rich time of the month to be your due date. As part of your emergency plan (#12) periodically ask for increased credit limits so that you'll have available credit in a pinch.
mso_2006 غير متواجد حالياً  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-08-2009, 10:00 PM
مشارك ماسى
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2006
العمر: 44
المشاركات: 377
افتراضي مشاركة: 30+ Ways of Improving Net Cashflow

51 Ways to Cut Costs and Increase Cash Flow
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc 51 Ways to Cut Costs .doc‏ (30.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 136)
mso_2006 غير متواجد حالياً  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-09-2009, 09:02 AM
مشارك ماسى
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2006
العمر: 44
المشاركات: 377
افتراضي مشاركة: 30+ Ways of Improving Net Cashflow

مرفق ملف ورد
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc 21 cash flow tips.doc‏ (51.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 125)
mso_2006 غير متواجد حالياً  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-19-2009, 10:24 AM
مشارك ماسى
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2006
العمر: 44
المشاركات: 377
افتراضي مشاركة: 30+ Ways of Improving Net Cashflow

مرفق ملف ورد
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc How to Improve Cash Flow.doc‏ (48.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 129)
mso_2006 غير متواجد حالياً  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-19-2009, 10:39 AM
مشارك ماسى
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2006
العمر: 44
المشاركات: 377
افتراضي مشاركة: 30+ Ways of Improving Net Cashflow

مرفق ملف ورد
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc Improving Your Cash Flow .doc‏ (28.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 135)
mso_2006 غير متواجد حالياً  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-22-2009, 07:58 AM
مشارك ماسى
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2006
العمر: 44
المشاركات: 377
افتراضي مشاركة: 30+ Ways of Improving Net Cashflow

Improving Your Cash Flow

Cash shortages can prevent you from meeting your financial obligations, and they can make it difficult to plan for the future and expand your company. That's why you should try to improve your cash flow by making some minor adjustments in your business practices. These seven ideas can provide relief and ultimately change your cash flow:
  • <LI id=trln name="trln">Tighten inventory. Keeping too much product on hand can tie up a great deal of cash. Make sure your inventory turns over at a regular pace. <LI id=trln name="trln">Bill early and often. Bill a project when it's complete, and invoice products as soon as they ship. Keep a detailed receivables report and act immediately on overdue accounts. <LI id=trln name="trln">Don't expand until you have the cash to support growth. Figure out what your projected expansion will cost and make sure you have the cash to cover it. <LI id=trln name="trln">Have a cushion to cover a cash flow crunch. Chances are, a cash crunch will come sooner or later — perhaps due to a temporary slump in the economy or your industry. If you're prepared for rough times, you can ride them out. <LI id=trln name="trln">Stretch out payables. Don't pay every bill as soon as it arrives — wait 30 or 60 days and keep the cash on hand. If suppliers want their money more quickly, ask about discounts for early payment. <LI id=trln name="trln">Consider raising your prices. Check out what the competition's doing and make sure your prices or rates aren't too low.
  • Comparison shop. The Internet makes it much easier to compare prices for everything from airplane tickets to office supplies to computers. Start using the Web to get the best deals.
mso_2006 غير متواجد حالياً  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-22-2009, 07:59 AM
مشارك ماسى
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2006
العمر: 44
المشاركات: 377
افتراضي مشاركة: 30+ Ways of Improving Net Cashflow

Cash Flow = #1 issue that puts people out of business

التدفق المالي هو الذي يجعلنا نعمل. هو القوة و الدافع--- Cash is King.

التدفق المالي يعني هل لدي مال كافي في البنك لتغطية التكاليف و المصاريف؟

الشركات دائما غير واقعية, ترفع الإيرادات و المستلمات و تخفض التكاليف. و لا ترى متى سينفذ لديها المال؟

ممكن أن يكون لديك أفضل منتج في العالم و أفضل خدمة و لكن إذا كنت بدون مال فهذا لا يساوي أي شيء.

ماذا تفعل؟

لمعرفة ماذا تملك عليك استخدام برنامج لحساب ماذا تملك بالتحديد. عليك المتابعة دائما و التقييم ماذا يدخل و ماذا يخرج. ممكن أن تستخدم excell و الأفضل استخدام برامج متخصصة هكذا تتفادى الأخطاء.

7 نصائح عليك إتباعها لكي تتأكد انك آمن في أول سنة من بداية الشركة
  1. لا تصرف فوق اللزوم. حاول صرف اقل مبالغ ممكنة. هذا مهم جدا. و خاصة في الأيام الأولى للشركة. قبل شراء اي شيء اسأل نفسك هل انا بحاجة لهذا فعلا؟ اذا لا, لا تشتريه.
  2. لا تشتري أجهزة و مواد لست بحاجة إليها.
  3. كن واقعيا: دائما توقع الأسوء, ارفع في المصاريف و قلل من الدخل. التدفق المالي الخاص بك عليه ان يكون دائما السيناريو الاسوء. اذا السوق سيء و الاقتصاد كذلك و أنت وضعك المالي ممتاز فهذا أفضل سيناريو و افرح لان عملك هو على ما يرام.
  4. تابع الفواتير و المستحقات حتى بعد دقيقة من فوات فترة الدفع. نعم كل دقيقة تساوي الكثير. اضغط على العملاء ليدفعوا على الوقت. إذا فكروا انه ممكن الدفع متأخرا معك فتأكد انك ستكون وراء جميع العملاء الذين عليهم ان يدفعوا اليهم.
  5. جدد تدفقك المال بإستمرار و بأوقات منتظمة: كل فترة عليك اعادة توقع ماهي ستكون التكاليف, المصاريف و الإيرادات. كل فترة عليك إعادة مخططاتك, ممكن ان تكون أخطئت في المخططات السابقة؟ ممكن ان يكون حصل شيء جديد كإدخال منتج آخرعلى الخط , تغير في السوق, الاقتصاد,... . الافضل التحديث كل اسبوع و خاصة في اول سنة تفتتح بها شركتك. بعد ذلك اعادة التخطيط شهريا يكفي.
  6. حاول تخفيض التكاليف أكثر مما تستطيع. إذا أمكن لك عقد صفقة أرخص و بنفس الميزات فلماذا لا؟ كل دولار ممكن ان يضيف قيمة و الثروة تبدأ بدولار.
  7. الأغلبية لا تدفع في الوقت: عندما تكتب خطتك للتدفق المالي, توقع عدم الدفع بالوقت من قبل العملاء لان الأغلبية لا تدفع في الوقت. لهذا لا تعتمد في الخطة على فواتير تدفع على الوقت. و لا تنسى عليك دائما الاتصال بالعملاء للتأكد من استلام المبلغ و قبل ان يأتي الوقت
mso_2006 غير متواجد حالياً  
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قديم 08-23-2009, 07:12 AM
 الصورة الرمزية waelsayed
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2006
الدولة: Saudi Arabia
المشاركات: 523
افتراضي مشاركة: 30+ Ways of Improving Net Cashflow

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